For d orbital Azimuthal quantum number l = 2 and the magnetic quantum number m = 2, 1, 0, 1, 2 Hence d orbitals have five orientations in space Thus d orbital corresponds to 4 double dumbbelled shapes (d xy, d yz, d zx, d x 2 y 2) with the atomic nucleus at its centre and one dumb belled with dough nut shaped (d z 2) d orbital has twoThe "l" values tell you what suborbital an electron is found in You will see the lowercase letters s, p, d, f, g, and h for the suborbitals For example, the electron in a hydrogen (H) atom would have the values n=1 and l=0 The single electron would be found in the "K" shell and the "s" suborbitalThe number of possible values is the number of lobes (orbitals) there are in the s, p, d, and f subshells As shown in Table 1, the s subshell has one lobe, the p subshell has three lobes, the d subshell has five lobes, and the f subshell has seven lobes Parsing Spdf Orbital Hybridization And Simple Bonding What are s p d f orbitals ...